One Class
Open Women's Bodybuilding
One Class
Women's Physique
True Novice Women's Physique One Class
Teen Women's Physique One Class
Masters Women's Physique 35+ One Class
Collegiate Women's Physique One Class
Hero Women's Physique One Class
Ms. (*Natural) Alabama Gulf Coast Women's Physique One Class
Novice Women's Physique One Class
Open Women's Physique A Up to and including 5'6"
Open Women's Physique B Over 5'6"
True Novice Figure One Class
True Novice Masters Figure 35+ One Class
Teen Figure One Class
Masters Figure 35+ One Class
Masters Figure 40+ One Class
Masters Figure 50+ One Class
Collegiate Figure One Class
Hero Figure One Class
Ms. (*Natural) Alabama Gulf Coast Figure One Class
Novice Figure One Class
Open Figure A Up to & including 5'2
Open Figure B Over 5'2 up to & including 5'4
Open Figure C Over 5'4 up to & including 5'6
Open Figure D Over 5'6
True Novice Wellness A Up to and including 5'4"
True Novice Wellness B Over 5'4"
True Novice Masters Wellness 35+ One Class
Masters Wellness 40+ One Class
Ms. (*Natural) Alabama Gulf Coast Wellness One Class
Hero Wellness One Class
Novice Wellness A Up to and Including 5'4"
Novice Wellness B Over 5'4" Up to and including 5'6"
Novice Wellness C Over 5'6"
Open Wellness A Up to & including 5'2"
Open Wellness B Over 5'2" Up to and including 5'4"
Open Wellness C Over 5'4" Up to and including 5'6"
Open Wellness D Over 5'6"
True Novice Bikini A Up to and including 5'2"
True Novice Bikini B Over 5'2" Up to and including 5'4"
True Novice Bikini C Over 5'4" Up to and including 5'6"
True Novice Bikini D Over 5'6
True Novice Masters Bikini 35+ One Class
Teen Bikini One Class
Masters Bikini 35+ One Class
Masters Bikini 40+ One Class
Masters Bikini 50+ One Class
Collegiate Bikini One Class
Hero Bikini One Class
Ms. (*Natural) Alabama Gulf Coast Bikini One Class
Novice Bikini A Up to and including 5'2"
Novice Bikini B Over 5'2" Up to and including 5'4"
Novice Bikini C Over 5'4" Up to and including 5'6"
Novice Bikini D Over 5'6"
Open Bikini A Up to and including 5'1"
Open Bikini B Over 5'1" up to and including 5'2"
Open Bikini C Over 5'2" up to and including 5'3"
Open Bikini D Over 5'3"" up to and including 5'4"
Open Bikini E Over 5'4" Up to and including 5'5"
Open Bikini F Over 5'5" Up to and including 5'6"
Open Bikini G Over 5'6" Up to and including 5'7"
Open Bikini H Over 5'7"
Fit Model Division
True Novice A Up to and including 5'2"
True Novice B Over 5'2" Up to and including 5'4"
True Novice C Over 5'4" Up to and including 5'6"
True Novice D Over 5'6
True Novice Masters 35+ One Class
Teen One Class
Masters 35+ One Class
Masters 40+ One Class
Masters 50+ One Class
Collegiate One Class
Hero One Class
Ms. (*Natural) Alabama Gulf Coast One Class
Novice A Up to and including 5'2"
Novice B Over 5'2" Up to and including 5'4"
Novice C Over 5'4" Up to and including 5'6"
Novice D Over 5'6"
Class A – Up to and including 5’1” Open
Class B – Over 5’1” and up to and including 5’2-1/2” Open
Class C – Over 5’2-1/2” and up to and including 5’4” Open
Class D – Over 5’4” and up to and including 5’5-1/2” Open
Class E – Over 5’5-1/2” and up to and including 5’7” Open
Class F – Over 5’7” Open